Management Team

Brenda Miley
Surf School Director
I surf because… I feel GREAT physically, emotionally and spiritually – and it’s fun!
The best wave I ever caught… was a big, fast, lefthander in Nihiwatu, Sumba – magic!
The best piece of advice I received was… don’t mistake kindness for weakness.
I can’t quite relax until… I’ve done some exercise and been in the water!
When I was younger I dreamed about… travelling adventures. The world’s a big and interesting place.
My favourite time of day is… early morning… it’s peaceful and exciting to see what the new day will bring!
I hate to admit it but I secretly love… Cold Chisel and Whitney Houston (especially her gospel songs!)
Qualifications: B.Ed (Hons), Cert IV Workplace Training, Level 1&2 Surf Coach, Master Coach, Bronze Medallion, Advanced Resuscitation First Aid, Apolla (OSSCA)

Craig Wachholz
General Manager
I surf because… The Beach seduced me into it.
The best wave I ever caught… 1969. Secret spot. North Bondi rights -fast, thick, big and scary – on a ’68 Midget Farrelly single fin coolite!
The best piece of advice I received was… if it is to be, it is up to me.
I can’t quite relax until I… crank up some Acca/Dacca.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… playing in a rock band, surfing around the world and playing to win the Stanley Cup!
My favourite time of day is… anytime I see my daughter Eliza!
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Jamie Packer.

Cheryl Wachholz
Accounts Manager
I surf because… I need stuff. You do mean the Net don’t you?
The best wave I ever caught… was a Mexican wave at the World Cup.
The best piece of advice I received was… Look after your children – they pick your nursing home..
I can’t quite relax until… pour that first glass of red.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… being older. Now I dream about being younger.
My favourite time of day is… cocktail hour.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… traveling first-class.

Blake Whittaker
Maroubra Manager
I surf because… there’s no better feeling that catching that perfect wave.
The best wave I ever caught… was in Florianopolis in Brazil. Pulled into a tube off the right hand point break, then cruised the open face for a good 70 metres along a coast that was untainted by any human activity.
The best piece of advice I ever received was… life is about experiences. Good or bad, you still learn and grow.
I can’t quite relax until… I have had that 10 minutes of freedom where you’re alone in the surf and nothing can bother you.
When I was younger I dreamed about… being a fighter pilot.
My favourite time of the day is… early mornings. While rolling out of bed is a challenge, Maroubra never looks better than when the sun is rising.
I secretly love… 8’6 softboards.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.
Senior Instructors

Leo Cremonese
Senior Instructor
I surf because… it’s the most fun thing I’ve ever done. When you become a real surfer it’s a very deep and almost spiritual experience.
The best wave I ever caught… unfortunately can’t be shared as it was in a secret spot.
The best piece of advice I received was… paddle wide of the peak. It may save your life.
I can’t quite relax until… I get out of the house and do something.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… being a truck driver.
My favourite time of day is… sunrise in June with a nice south swell and a light westerly wind. The surf will be cranking all over the East Coast and you have the whole day to enjoy it.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… the painter Sir Frederick Leighton. I hate 19th century English painting, but there is something seductive about Sir Frederick.
Qualification Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Art, Level 1 Surf Coach; Bronze Medallion; First Aid Certificate Advanced Resuscitation. Apolla (OSSCA).

Tanya Chaffey
Senior Instructor
I surf because… it makes me feel alive (and I’m totally addicted).
The best wave I ever caught… was many years ago from Snapper to Kirra. My legs were so tired I could barely finish the wave!
The best piece of advice I received was… do unto others as you would like them to do to you.
I can’t quite relax until… I jump into the ocean.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… being paid to work at the beach.
My favourite time of day is… sunset. I love surfing as the sun goes down.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Jimmy Barnes.
QualificationAssociate Diploma in Arts – Fashion Design, Level 1 Surf Coach; Bronze Medallion; First Aid Certificate Advanced Resuscitation. Apolla (OSSCA)

Ryan Pranatio
Senior Instructor
I surf because… it’s a part of me. I just wanna slide!
The best wave I ever caught… was in Bingin Bali. I was in this filthy pit to the point of no return when it opened up and spat me out. I was screaming like a kid in a candy store!
The best piece of advice I received was… always stand for old ladies on the bus.
I can’t quite relax until… I’ve had a couple of sneaky peaky waves with my mates and then a chill in the sunshine.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… surfing! I’m still a grom at heart.
My favourite time of day is… sunset surfs.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Britney Spears
Qualification Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Julia Volz
Senior Instructor & Bookings Coordinator
I surf because… there’s nothing better than spending time in the ocean. It’s cleansing, fun and has brought me to so many amazing places in the world.
The best wave I ever caught… would be Rio Nexpa, Mexico and Lombok, Indonesia.
The best piece of advice I received was… life’s too short so enjoy it to the fullest.
I can’t quite relax until… have had a swim/surf and my morning coffee.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… surfing! travelling the world.
My favourite time of day is… early morning at the beach before the wind picks up with a coffee hanging out with my son.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… … eating Macca’s on a road trip. It tastes so much better on the side of a highway.
Qualification Level 1 Coaching Certificate, Bronze Medallion, Senior First Aid, Apolla (OSSCA) French (BEES) Brevet D”Etat, Diploma in Media and Communications

Lachy Pappas
Senior Instructor
I surf because…it makes me smile.
The best wave I ever caught… gave me a rare moment of clarity.
The best piece of advice I received was… be nice to Mum.
I can’t quite relax until… I have brie and beers.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… a girl in an Icehouse film-clip.
My favourite time of day is… when I cook dinner.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… singing like David Bowie in the shower.
Qualification Level 1 Coaching Certificate, Bronze Medallion, Senior First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation. Apolla (OSSCA)

Shelley Parker
Sales and Marketing Manager & Senior Instructor
I surf because…it is always good times! It’s always different; it’s fun and relaxing when it’s small, and it feels good to get your heart pounding when the surf is big.
The best wave I ever caught… I scored multiple great waves in Barra De La Cruz in Mexico. Fun, fast, barrelling rights!
The best piece of advice I received was…two things 1. Get legs 2. Always think of things from the other person’s perspective!
I can’t quite relax until… am listening to some good tunes.
When I was younger, I dreamed about…travelling the world surfing and snowboarding!
My favourite time of day is… depends; at the beach, sunset – those last few waves you catch when it gets hard to spot them it’s getting so dark. At the snow first thing in the morning – stepping outside your door and your boot getting buried in fresh snow!
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… when it rains.
Qualification Bachelor of Business, Level 1 Coaching Certificate, Bronze Medallion, Senior First Aid.

Nigel Riley
Senior Instructor
I surf because… there is nothing better. It makes making a mistake fun.
The best wave I ever caught… was in the Philippines at a place called Majestic’s.
The best piece of advice I received was… don’t let go of your board.
I can’t quite relax until… I get my students frothing – then I know I can get a demo!
When I was younger, I dreamed about… surfing the point when it’s 10 foot.
My favourite time of day is… anytime a southerly is blowing.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… winter.
Qualifications: Level 1 & 2 Coaching, Cert-level 2 French & Japanese. Bronze Medallion, Senior First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation, Apolla (Ossca)

John Mccallum
Senior Instructor
I surf because… every day is better afterwards.
The best wave I ever caught… was an awesome left-hander at Desert Point in Sumbawa that seemed to go on forever.
The best piece of advice I received was… the more you put into something; the more you will get out of it.
I can’t quite relax until I… have my morning coffee.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… playing test cricket at the Sydney Cricket Ground.
My favourite time of day is … 6pm down at Bondi; either catching some late waves, or in the Rats for the Ode.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Manly beach!
Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education, Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion, Advanced Resuscitation, Level 1 Cricket and Soccer Coach.

Senior Instructor
I surf because… I don’t get nagged in the water.
The best wave I ever caught… was my first. I didn’t even break but I stood up and glided all the way to shore.
The best piece of advice I received was… Be good to your mother.
I can’t quite relax until I…Done the dishes after dinner.
When I was younger, I dreamed about … Being a pilot (I wish I knew where it all went wrong.)
My favourite time of day is… Bed time.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Happy feet – the movie.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Joseph Dickson
Senior Instructor
I surf because… there is no other choice
The best wave I ever caught… was at North Bondi pits of doom during ‘the summer of love 1999’.
The best piece of advice I received was… that waves on reefs move very fast – be careful.
I can’t quite relax until I…have surfed for 3 hours.
When I was younger, I dreamed about … living by the beach.
My favourite time of day is… 10am.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Big Wave Dave.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Georgia Kite
Senior Instructor
I surf because… I love the ocean and being out in nature. Getting out in the water with a group of mates and having a blast is unbeatable!
The best wave I ever caught… my 1st memory of surfing was being pushed onto a perfect little right hander up at Snapper by my Dad when I was a little grom. Best wave ever!
The best piece of advice I received was… do what you love, love what you do.
I can’t quite relax until I… have ticked the last thing off the list.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… pools full of lollies instead of colour full balls, and you can dive into them and swim around.
My favourite time of day is… dawn – especially if you are in the water.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly’s no secret, dill pickles. I love them. Seriously. Little bits of green, salty joy.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Design, Wilderness First Responder, Advanced Resuscitation, Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.
Surf Instructors

Tim Boulenger
I surf because… there’s no other place I’d rather be.
The best wave I ever caught… first day of 2010 in Tahiti. The first barrel of an excellent year!
The best piece of advice I received was… believe in yourself.
I can’t quite relax until… I’ve never not relaxed.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… surfing on another planet.
My favourite time of day is… breakfast.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… vodka cruisers.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Anna Normyle
I surf because… it’s the best feeling in the world and the only thing that can occupy me 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The best wave I ever caught… was in Chile. There was a dead seal in the water with me and the board hire guy tried to steal my bag, but the surf was awesome: all left-handers, and it was my first time in the water in 3.5 months.
The best piece of advice I received was… live for the moment.
I can’t quite relax until I… eat half a block of chocolate and spend some quality time with the TV.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… being Thomas The Tank Engine.
My favourite time of day is… dawn because nothing beats being at the beach for the sunrise.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… rubbing tanning oil on some of my work colleagues.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Aidan Cashin
I surf because… every wave is unique.
The best wave I ever caught… was with my Dad at Noosa Head Point when I was a grom. I surfed until I literally couldn’t paddle anymore and Dad had to tow me back in.
The best piece of advice I received was… worry does not solve tomorrow but it takes away today’s strengths.
I can’t quite relax until… I’ve had a good feed.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… being older.
My favourite time of day is… early morning before the sun comes up.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… a longneck in a brown paper bag.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Erick Bjelland
I surf because… I’d be fat and unhealthy without it.
The best wave I ever caught… they usually catch me!
The best piece of advice I received was … look to both sides before you cross the road.
I can’t quite relax until I… have my beauty sleep.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… snowboarding.
My favourite time of day is… around 9am – after the early-birds, but before the sleep-ins.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… life.
Qualifications: Level 1 Snowboard instructor, Master of Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture, Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Adrian Findlay
I surf because…I grew up in Bondi so it was only natural that I started surfing. It’s also the most incredible thing – nothing compares. ‘Only a surfer knows the feeling’….right?
The best wave I ever caught… I’m still searching.
The best piece of advice I received was … pick up the dog poo before using the grass cutter.
I can’t quite relax until I… pick up the dog poo – and then hit the Bondi Hotel.
When I was younger, I dreamed about … surfing my way around the world, following the endless summer.
My favourite time of day is … late afternoon for a surf, BBQ, and beers.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… Neil Diamond.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Major in Finance), Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Lara Murphy
I surf because… I hate running and I can’t catch.
The best wave I ever caught… was probably last winter at Eloura with just me and one other guy out.
The best piece of advice I received was… just do it (thanks Nike)
I can’t quite relax until I… am in my pyjamas.
When I was younger, I dreamed about … green unicorns in ponchos. I used to eat a lot of cheese.
My favourite time of day is … bedtime.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… shortboards.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach, Senior First Aid, Surf Bronze Medallion.

Oscar Lederman
I surf because… It’s always a challenge.
The best wave I ever caught… was at the Pass – Byron Bay. Sun was shinning, dolphins were splashing and the waves were rolling.
The best piece of advice I received was … “These are the good old days” – Ash Grunwald
I can’t quite relax until I… I’m listening to Reggae Music, and doing the dance to go with it.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… playing goalkeeper for Australia.
My favourite time of day is… when food is on the table.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… David Attenborough
Qualifications:Advanced Resuscitation, Level 1 Surfing Coach, Senior First Aid, Appola (OSSCA)

Gian-Paolo Palazzolo
I surf because… the ocean is free of all worries and troubles on land.
The best wave I ever caught… was on my first trip to Bali. Got barreled across the whole reef at 4-6fy Padang Padang. There were many best waves that day !
The best piece of advice I received was … living is better than surviving.
I can’t quite relax until I… I’m surfed out and kicking back with a few mates.
When I was younger, I dreamed about… traveling the world.
My favourite time of day is… when I’m out in the water catching good waves.
I hate to admit it, but I secretly love… sleeping in.
Qualifications: Level 1 Surf Coach; Senior First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation, OSSCA